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Araştırmada 8 sonuç bulundu

  1. ARES

    Fragment types & rewards

    You can obtain this fragment from Bifrost Bosses and Garden Farm. Bifrost will be deactivated in the first weeks of the server. In the mean time you can obtain these fragments by garden farm. With newly developped system , you can go to the chaotic generator and click on "drop " button to open a seperate window with all the fragment types. You can click a fragment to see which items you can drop from it. If you are wondering about the drops, it will be enough to just open the Chaotic Generator Screen and press the "Drops" button After clicking the "Drops" button, an extra window will open for you with the option of Fragments and Types. When You Click on the Fragment Type You Select, It Will Instantly Show You Fragment Drops on the Right.
  2. ARES

    7th week weekly np rewards

    Weekly NP Reward system resets weekly NPs every FRIDAY at 00:00. Best 3 players from each class in both nations will have the reward below. Rogue NP Prize Winners Pawnz 100 TL Balance FaceDetection 70 TL Balance CLAG 50 TL Balance Warrior NP Prize Winners ChampagneShower 100 TL Balance MohamedHamdy 70 TL Balance TheSlayer 50 TL Balance Priest NP Prize Winners CastingFailedYok 100 TL Balance Caure 70 TL Balance GraceKelly 50 TL Balance Mage NP Prize Winners ProbLematicaL 100 TL Balance IDisturbedI 70 TL Balance Casty 50 TL Balance Your rewards have been sent. If you can't see your rewards you should re login.
  3. ARES

    5th weekly np rewards

    Weekly NP Reward system resets weekly NPs every FRIDAY at 00:00. Best 3 players from each class will have the reward below. Rogue NP Reward Winners Yuna 100 TL Bakiye SpawNN 70 TL Bakiye KingFunky 50 TL Bakiye Warrior NP Reward Winners TarEnFetingMedFadi 100 TL Balance Papi 70 TL Balance Yvonne 50 TL Balance Priest NP Reward Winners SPANKME 100 TL Balance ELweryTrlll 70 TL Balance BobbySands 50 TL Balance Mage NP Reward Winners SweenMySnow 100 TL Balance SweenMyUNYEEEEE 70 TL Balance Disc 50 TL Balance
  4. ARES

    4th week weekly np rewards

    Weekly NP Reward system resets weekly NPs every FRIDAY at 00:00. Best 3 players from each class will have the reward below. Rogue NP Reward Winners ROBB 100 TL Balance Yalnizlik 70 TL Balance Potatoe 50 TL Balance Warrior NP Reward Winners Toxit 100 TL Balance mdk 70 TL Balance KillingsMyjob 50 TL Balance Priest NP Reward Winners Cruz 100 TL Balance Sammy 70 TL Balance SvcRaskolnikov 50 TL Balance Mage NP Reward Winners CervantesIV 100 TL Balance Misc 70 TL Balance KankaNeDiyonYaa 50 TL Balance
  5. Greetings EuroKnightOnline Players We are welcoming you with our Test Beta Server. It will be live on September 7th Saturday at 19:00. (+3 GMT) The beta rewards you can get ; Test Beta Server is 65 Level Beginning.For each class, we are giving out Switch Premium to those first lvl 70 players. Karus - Human First 5 Rank Clans will have 200 TL Balance and 5000 Knight Cash. Karus - Human First 15 players will receive TL Balance as a gift. 15th to 20th players will receive PUS Items as a gift. Surprising gifts for players coming back to official launch! We will have VS Tournaments and Winners will receive PUS items in our Test Beta Server. NOT : Test Beta Server Rewards and gifts will be given to your ID. Do not forget or lose your ID and Password you use to play in Beta. Test Beta Rewads #1 150 TL Balance #2 130 TL Balance #3 100 TL Balance #4 100 TL Balance #5 70 TL Balance #6 70 TL Balance #7 70 TL Balance #8 70 TL Balance #9 70 TL Balance #10 70 TL Balance #11 50 TL Balance #12 50 TL Balance #13 50 TL Balance #14 50 TL Balance #15 50 TL Balance #16 Voucher Of Genie + Auto Loot #17 Gold Premium #18 Silver Premium #19 Bronze Premium #20 Extra Inventory Sincerely, Eu-KO Team
  6. ARES

    Euro - Knight Online Beta

    Hail Knights, Euro Knight Online Open Beta Server Coming very soon. We are going to open our gate to all players. In the mean time you win the beta prizes listed below. The prizes will be delivered on Official Server.- Castle Siege War with 1000 TL reward [ There will be two wars ] The date will be announced during beta.- Top 5 clans from Karus - El Morad will get 200 TL Balance and 5000 Cash- Top 10 players from Karus - El Morad will get various cash prizes listed below. #1 4000 Knight Cash #2 3750 Knight Cash #3 3500 Knight Cash #4 2750 Knight Cash #5 2500 Knight Cash #6 2250 Knight Cash #7 2000 Knight Cash #8 1750 Knight Cash #9 1500 Knight Cash #10 1250 Knight Cash Eu-Ko team Best regards
  7. Merhaba Şovalyeler, Yeni savaş oylama sistemiyle birlikte artık savaş haritalarını sizler seçebileceksiniz. "War Map List" içerisinde, arasından seçebileceğiniz 7 farklı savaş haritası bulunmaktadır. Bunlar sırasıyla, Napies Gorge, Alseids Prairie , Nieds Triangle , Nereids Island , Mini Ronark Land , Oreads ve son olarak Snow War haritalarıdır. Savaş oylaması başladığında görseldeki ekrandan dilediğiniz harita ismine tıklayarak oy verebilirsiniz. Savaş Ödülleri İki ırkın düşman NPC'lerini öldürmeye çalıştığı bu büyük savaşta, düşman bölgesini ele geçirmek için Warder 1 ve Warder 2'yi yok etmeniz gerekir. Bu iki warder yok edildikten sonra savaşı kazanmak için Keeper yok edilmelidir. Bu hedefleri yok eden oyunculara sistem tarafından otomatik olarak Knight Cash ödülü gönderilecektir. Hail Knights, With the new battle voting system, you will now be able to select battle maps. "War Map List" has 7 different battle maps to choose from. These are Napies Gorge, Alseids Prairie, Nieds Triangle, Nereids Island, Mini Ronark Land, Oreads and finally Snow War maps. When the war voting starts, you can vote on the screen by clicking on the desired map name. War rewards In this great battle where the two races try to kill their enemy NPCs, you have to destroy Warder 1 and Warder 2 to take over the enemy territory. Once these two warders have been destroyed you must destroy the Keeper to win the battle. Players who destroy these targets will automatically receive the Knight Cash prize by the system. Napies Gorge Alseids Prairie Nieds Triangle Haritası Mini Ronark Land Oreads Haritası
  8. Merhaba Şovalyeler, Tüm oyuncuların belirlenen zaman içerisinde öldürme görevlerini bitirmek ve ödülleri almak için kıyasıya mücade ettiği bu collection race etkinliğinde ödüllerimiz "Random Item" olduğundan her etkinlikte farkılık gösterebilir. Etkinlik başlamadan önce oyun içerisinde etkinliğin nerede ve ne zaman yapılacağına dair duyuru yapılmaktadır. Etkinlik haritalara özgü olarak açılabilir ve yalnızca etkinliğin açıldığı haritaya girildiğinde görülebilir, diğer haritalardayken görülemezler. Aynı anda iki farklı haritada ayrı etkinlikler başlatılabilir. ▶ Aşağıda Gördüğünüz Tablo Etkinliğin Başladığını Bildiren Notice İle Birlikte Oyun Ekranınızın Sağ Üst Köşesinde Belirmektedir. Collection Race Bu Bölüme Tıklayarak Etkinlik Ekranını Gizleyip Tekrardan Açabilirsiniz. Event Gift Limit , Time Remaining Bu Bölümde Etkinliği Yapabilecek Maksimum Oyuncu Sayısını , Etkinliği Anlık Kaç Kişinin Yaptığını Ve Etkinlik Süresini Bu Bölümden Görebilirsiniz. Collect & Hunt Bu Bölümde Etkinliğin Ödüllerini Alabilmeniz İçin Sizden İstenen Görevleri Göstermektedir. Winners Bu Bölümde Etkinliğin Şartlarını Yerine Getirip Kazandığınız Taktirde Sahip Olacağınız Ödülleri Göstermektedir. Hail Knights, In this collection race event, where all players are competing to finish their killing missions and receive rewards within a set time, our prizes may differ from each event as it is a "Random Item". Before the start of the event, an announcement is made about where and when the event will take place. The event can be opened on a map-specific basis, and can only be seen when the map is opened, not visible on other maps. Separate events can be started on two different maps at the same time.
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