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  1. xPooksie

    Do you want level cap to be 75 or not ?

    @SPANKME Don't think the drop rate were the problem of the flood of unique items, but I think the CR's were the problem, especially in the beginning. 200 users finishing 9 frag rewards = 1800 Frags in the server without farming. agreed with the other points tho
  2. No need any explanation. Karus King is the lowest of lows just to make $$$. He thought I was afk. Was his third attempt te lure lamentations. Gms already dealt with this Issues, but I am here just putting it out for the orc nation/his own clan to see how low this guy is as a king. Kind Regards, xPooksie
  3. xPooksie

    clan Bloodline

    Pm McZaikoooBurger for BloodLine King Vote
  4. xPooksie

    clan Bloodline

    also Looking for Dex Priests and MP warriors, PM Crapyz in game
  5. xPooksie

    clan Bloodline

    You forgot to mention full english bro Turks also welcome and Polemiqs. pm McZaikoooBurger
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